A cyber-attack that has hit 150 countries since Friday should be treated by governments around the world as a “wake-up call”, Microsoft says.
It blamed governments for storing data on software vulnerabilities which could then be accessed by hackers.
It says the latest virus exploits a flaw in Microsoft Windows identified by, and stolen from, US intelligence.
There are fears of more “ransomware” attacks as people begin work on Monday, although few have been reported so far.
Live reports: Ransomware cyber-attack fallout
Should you pay the WannaCry ransom?
Many firms have had experts working over the weekend to prevent new infections. The virus took control of users’ files and demanded $300 (£230) payments to restore access.
The spread of the WannaCry ransomware attack slowed over the weekend but the respite might only be brief, experts have said. More than 200,000 computers have been affected so far.
Maybe if Microsoft didn’t base their business model on Dick Turpin’s ‘stand and deliver’ approach, this situation would have been avoided altogether. Their XP operating system eventually morphed into something surprisingly good, it was stable and reliable. Sadly this cash cow dried up because of its’ good nature so Microsoft, instead of producing a new and better system to incentivize users to migrate to it of their own volition, used their ‘shotgun wedding’ tactics again, forcing users to move ‘like it or not’ by removing all support for XP, effectively exposing hundreds of thousands of customers to threats like the one we have just witnessed. In my opinion the real danger is Microsoft’s management, they are a bunch of complacent arrogant bastards that have been holding the world to ransom since they allegedly stole an operating system from Gary Kildall and made it their own back in the late 70’s early 80’s.
The latest operating systems from Microsoft, like Windows 7 and Windows 10, (I didn’t mention Windows 8 because that was another one of their jokes at the users expense, ‘bazinga!!) – but 7 & 10 are simply XP with an extra layer or two of complexity offering a few more aesthetic bells and whistles added to justify re-selling the same old junk again and again.
They now have the temerity to blame governments for this catastrophe, and how quickly did they do that? – The best form of defense is attack! – Microsoft is all set to make another massive fortune out of this, so draw your own conclusions! – At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!